Movie Encore : Halloween At The Cockbuster Video Store

It's been a great week this week putting Electric Pornstars Halloween Holiday Special out there. I have had some awesome feed back and some very kind words. Which i love hearing, as it means so much to know if even a few people enjoyed watching as much as i enjoyed making it.

On this post i'm including the XVIDEO version of the movie. Along with some Production Photography. These are not screen shots. But some of the photo's i took during the production. Some just because they looked nice. Others to check on things like lighting, costumes, movie set etc. Screen tests before going on with the actual filming.

So enjoy an encore of Electric Pornstars Halloween Holiday Special ( Video Nasty. )  and the Photo gallery.

Serenity. x

Starring : Anghju, Damien Godard, Vanessa Vixen-Kristan, Serenity Kristan. Also Featuring Louise Avelion.

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