Serenity Now! : Serenity V's Elon - Plus New Naughty Pics!

First off. A huge thank you to everybody I posed for lately. I love to model or act in other people's movies. It's so special to be asked. Some think I am not available, some are even scared to ask!? I'm told! But please ask, if you don't mind a few days for me to ensure my RL and SL are free, we can usually sort out a shoot. Massive thanks today for this shot above from  Salvo Waydelich. See it on Flickr. Click here!

Serenity Now! 

"The Bird is Free". Said Elon Musk, after he finalized his purchase of Twitter. He promises "Free Speech" on the platform. And will also un-ban accounts previously silenced by the former owners. Banned for pretty good reasons too It has to be said. From simple trolling, and making the platform's users miserable, to outright hate speech. All the way up to inciting insurrections!

Now if you're like me and you just want your Twitter to be an awesome place to host your Porn projects, interact with our Pornstars Community, and maybe follow some Fandoms, or follow your favorite celebrities. Then hate-mongers and the 'Free Speech' ( ie License to Hate and Troll and be a Total Asshole. ) crowd might seem at odds with your perfect experience.

If so I'd urge you to do what I've done and silence them! You are able to filter and mute any word you wish on Twitter. And content including them simply won't appear in your feed. I am on a crusade to banish anything too political from my Twitter. Why? Because It's the opposite of why I joined. I just wanted a good Flickr Alternative mostly, and also enjoy following stuff like Star Wars, and my '80s pop culture and music. But, I have very strong political opinions and views. And I just get sucked into wars of words with bigots, homophobes, transphobes, racists, and right-wing trolls. So I'm saving myself, from myself, and slowly adding key Muted words to never be seen again on my Twitter. Adding words like Elon Musk, Trump, etc is a very good start towards a quiet peaceful Twitter!

Find The Peaceful Life - Serenity Now!

It's early days in adding my muted words and I'm already finding Twitter a much more pleasant place to be. If I want depressing news I'll visit a News Site. I really don't want Elon spoiling a perfectly great set of Bimbo Boobs! Thank you very much! 

Mute Words - On your Right Side Panel On Twitter....

More > Settings and Support > Settings and Privacy > Privacy and Safety > Muted Words.

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